Tech Journey

Tech Journey

Explore my experience of my tech journey

Hello everyone 👋!, I am Milan Patel, currently learning Web Development and working on JAVA. Let’s get started.

How I Started with My Tech Journey

The tech journey of an individual is a unique story to learn from. My journey started with a programming language in my 10th standard (2018). Guess which one? Oh, it was not C/C++ or Python. It was JAVA, one of the most painful languages to learn, as told by the teachers around me during that time. At the start, I also found it challenging to understand because of all the long lines of code we needed to write every time. But later, I understood why it was that way.

Challenges I faced during my Journey

There was the first test in our school. And I was not able to perform well in my Computer exam. Also, after the result, it was the subject in which I had the lowest marks I failed in that subject. As a 15-year-old, I felt like it was a great catastrophe because I had never experienced such a phase ever in my life until that point in time. Going through that phase was baffling but not impossible to get out of.

How I overcame those challenges

Challenges are a part of every journey. There also exist solutions to those challenges. If you feel stuck in the same place and feel like, "Oh! I cannot get out of it", what should you do? What I did was I saw the journey of other people who went through the same difficulties/problems, and I learned what they did and how they came out of it. And here you are, going through my journey. Getting comfortable with programming languages at the start is the case with almost every developer out there. JAVA was one of the most challenging languages for me. But after practicing it for almost a year, I got comfortable with it. But how? What do I mean by practice?

  • Practice means understanding the theory and implementing those concepts through the littlest program/project possible. Programs with the combination of multiple ideas I later applied to large programs where several approaches are needed together.

  • For five days a week, I used to perform different programs with either one or multiple concepts throughout the year. Continuous implementation in programs or projects makes your journey feel relatively easy.

  • The long-lasting effect of concepts comes through implementing them and not just memorizing or going through theory/concepts repeatedly.

  • Failures are part of your constant efforts, so it is OK to fail, but ensure that we learn from that and don’t perform the same mistake often.

  • Focusing on the fundamentals was one of the key reasons also to spend enough time with the concept in which you are working patiently.

Learning → Experimenting with the concept → Failing → And learning from those failures. This cycle will always enhance your capability and strengthen your concepts over time.

Wrapping Up

Every journey has its ups and downs; the same applies to the tech journey. Facing challenges is inevitable, but what’s important is how we overcome those challenges. Implement your learnings in projects, perform small daily tasks, focus on fundamentals, and learn from failures. The journey of learning and experimenting with concepts should be continuous as it helps to strengthen one’s knowledge over time. The tech industry is constantly evolving, and the only way to stay ahead is to keep learning and adapting to new technologies.

Thank you very much!! For reading till the end. I hope you learned something from my journey, and I would love to know if you also came out of a challenging situation. Don’t forget to drop that in the comments.

You can connect with me on Twitter or LinkedIn.